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On Monday we left off after determining a <a href=”” target=”_blank”>clear, specific “give up” goal</a>. We’ve identified a single item that we want to eat less of. Today we’re going to tackle part two of the “Get Specific, Get A Framework, Get Momentum” plan I outlined in <a href=”” target=”_blank”>my earlier post</a>. Let’s dive in!

Get A Framework

Let’s be real here. Even though you know you shouldn’t be eating that item, just cutting it out of your diet entirely isn’t a pleasant thought. That negative reaction to cutting it out, if left unchecked, can totally derail your dieting plans. You need a framework to support your plan to cut it out.

I’d suggest that, in an ideal world, that framework would do a few things:

  • Be Satisfying – If you’re going to eat whatever-it-is substantially less, you’re going to find yourself (at least initially) really looking forward to when you do get to eat it. This means that you want to get maximum enjoyment out of your occasional indulgence. There’s no sense in cutting your pizza consumption down to one pizza every two weeks, and then having a poor-quality pizza that you don’t enjoy!
  • Prevent Excessive Eating – If you’re going to stick to your schedule, you’d like to intentionally design things so that it’s hard to overeat – even if you want to.

With these goals in mind, there are three simple things you can do to create a framework that supports your goal:

  • Identify An Ideal – Come up with the ultimate version of whatever you’re looking to cut out. If you’re cutting out ice cream, list your absolute favorite kind of ice cream. If you’re cutting out pizza, list the crust type, toppings, and the place you get it from. You’re looking for your absolute favorite whatever-it-is here.
  • Bring It Into Line With Reality – If your ideal pizza is only available in New York and you live in Alaska, you’re obviously going to have to settle for something else – but settle for something else that tastes good! What’s the closest you can get to your ideal?
  • Sparsely Stock It – If your weakness is DiGiorno frozen pizza, keeping fifteen of them in your upright freezer might be the most frugal way to buy….but it’s setting you up for failure. If you shop for groceries every week, and you’re going to eat one pizza a week, buy the pizza on your grocery trip. It’s okay if it costs you a buck or two extra.
  • Have A Back-Up Plan – If the store is out of your ideal option, what are the two next-best options? It doesn’t happen often, but when you’re at home with the flu, your spouse is doing the shopping, and the store is out of your default, you won’t have to sit there and think about your options.

If you do this right, you’ll have created an environment where it’s very hard to over-consume the item, and where you get maximum enjoyment out of it everytime you do.

You’re on the road to success! The last thing we need to address is “Get Momentum”, which we’ll handle in the next post.