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It’s 2014 – WOOHOO! It’s the start of another year, and I’m hoping you got as much Christmas cheer, holiday food, and New Year’s partying in as you could handle. Most people begin the year with a series of resolutions, but that’s not the way I do things.

I do have some new habits I’m going to be experimenting with in 2014 (blog posts coming up about those!), some lessons I learned from Christmas (more posts!), and some other fun stuff to share in the months to come – but I’d also like to take a minute and give a “state of the blog”, so to speak, beginning with an announcement….

Announcement: The Toolbox (The Paid Newsletter)

Over the several years I’ve been blogging, I’ve been looking for a way to create deeper engagement with my readers. Comment sections are nice, but it’s all a little impersonal for my tastes – and I know there are some people who don’t want to comment publicly.

A friend of mine clued me in to a new service called HappyLetter. HappyLetter is a paid newsletter service, and my friend thinks it’s been good for his relationship with readers – so I’ve launched a HappyLetter newsletter of my own called “The Toolbox”.

A small subscription fee ($3 per month) gets you access to some articles that won’t ever show up on the blog, pre-release content for e-courses, and some miscellaneous fun things I have planned in the months to come. And because it’s an email newsletter, clicking “reply” sends your comments directly to me – much easier and more private than the comment form on the blog posts. Learn more (and/or subscribe) over at the page for The Toolbox.

Minimalism For The Rest Of Us (The Podcast)

I’d been having some glitches with audio editing that had been causing episodes to be delayed, and that’s finally been resolved thanks to Mike from Afterburn Audio / Homeless On Wheels. I’m far from clueless when it comes to audio editing, but Mike is the Real Deal. If you need somebody to edit your audio, Mike is your guy.

I have podcasts scheduled at this point through the beginning of February. If you’d like to be a guest, or if you know somebody you think I should interview, drop me a line!

General Blog Posts

I’m working on some holiday reflections posts right now, as well as some posts about new habits I’ll be implementing in 2014. Plenty of good stuff coming down the pipe!

I’m also writing some guest posts for other sites, and entertaining guest post submissions. If you have any questions about guest posts (either me writing for you or you writing for this site), shoot me an email via the contact form.

Bottom Line? It’s Going To Be A Great Year!

I think 2014 is going to be a great year for both myself and Untitled Minimalism, and I’m hoping it’ll be a great year for you as well. If there’s anything I can do to help you in the new year, please don’t hesitate to let me know either in the comments or via the contact form.

Happy New Year!