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Today I’m doing a show as a response to a listener question about podcasts, RSS, mental & digital clutter, and the broad topic of FOMO – “Fear Of Missing Out”. Joining me to discuss the topic (at length!) is Patrick Rhone from Minimal Mac.

We discuss several myths that keep people from being realistic about the way they spend their time, the idea of “no” as a default, and go through some processes that you can apply to figure out your “pain points” and ultimately make things better!

This is also the first episode where I’ve put together a rather exhaustive collection of links to things that we talked about on the show. I hope they’re useful to you!

The News on 5by5
Mac Power Users – WWDC Follow-Up
The Icarus Deception by Seth Godin
Permission Marketing by Seth Godin
The Ocean At The End Of The Lane by Neil Gaiman
Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee
The Loop
The Prompt on 5by5
Broken Window Theory
David Allen
What’s Broken
Make It Better

As always, if you like this podcast I’d really appreciate it if you’d go give it a rating (or even better, a review!) in the iTunes store. I read and appreciate every iTunes review!