Kendra Carlson’s story is fascinating, because she’s swing from minimalist to “normal” back to minimalist again.
Growing up, her entire family lived in a large travel trailer, and she didn’t realizing that what she was doing was called “minimalism”. She just thought it was a bit weird. And as with many kids, the grass seemed greener on the other side of the proverbial fence – she longed for a “normal” life.
But once she got to “normal”, she realized that “normal” didn’t necessarily mean “better”. In fact, the problems all still exist – they just take different forms. So she’s swung back toward minimalism.
Today Kendra and I are talking about taking it easy on yourself (and others!), our love/hate relationships with our mailboxes, and how to gracefully guide your family (and kids!) into minimalism.
You can check out Kendra’s writing over at Have Mercy Blog.
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