We’re all aware of poverty in an intellectual sort of way. If you asked the average person about poverty & hunger, they’d probably get an image in their heads of a village in Africa. They’d think about the commercials where they ask you to donate a dollar or so per day to help feed hungry children.
And that’s a legitimate need.
But what we don’t realize as often is how close poverty can be to home. In Detroit, for example, nearly one in five people are unemployed. Almost 20%. And that’s a legitimate need too – no less than the other.
One of the things I love about minimalism is that it frees up space and time for us to pursue things that we love doing. And for today’s guest, Robyn Adams, what she loves doing is helping the poor – particularly the poor of urban Detroit.
We talk a bit about Robyn’s journey to minimalism, the depth of poverty that a major American city has sunk into, and what the average person (that’s you and me!) can do to help.
Some helpful links:
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