by UntitledMinimalism | Jun 17, 2016 | Uncategorized
Much of our clutter is rooted in false assumptions about our reality. Aspirational clutter is clutter you accumulate because you believe that owning a given item (or items) is the primary roadblock to you achieving something that you believe you should do. For...
by UntitledMinimalism | Aug 15, 2014 | Podcasts
Joslyn is a crafter. And like many crafters, she finds inspiration in common things, repurposing, and turning what many people would call “trash” into treasure. Unlike many crafters, however, she’s also a budding minimalist. These two things can be a...
by UntitledMinimalism | Jun 13, 2014 | Podcasts
Alyssa Navapanich is a woman on a mission: to prevent the “wedding-industrial complex” from destroying her wedding day. My wife and I had a very simple, minimalist wedding ourselves, so talking with Alyssa gave me the opportunity to re-visit some of those...
by UntitledMinimalism | Apr 25, 2014 | Podcasts
When Sam Spurlin left for college, he wasn’t a minimalist. A couple years in, he got bit by the simplicity bug and started downsizing his stuff. Today Sam and I are talking about motivations for minimalism, releasing stuff, how minimalism plays out in college....
by UntitledMinimalism | Apr 4, 2014 | Podcasts
Sometimes the end goal of simplicity is on the other side of the valley of complexity. Today I’m talking with Joel Zaslofsky about just how complicated being simple can be, specifically through the lens of planning a huge simplicity event. An event about...