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Finding Frugality

Hope you all had a great July 4th!  This is the last of my three introductory posts, dealing with the topic of frugality.  What is frugality?  I think that a little bit of etymology will get us started on the right track. The word “frugal” comes to us from...

‘Tis A Gift To Be Simple

What is simplicity?  Everybody has their own definition, but there’s one thing I can say for sure – “simple” doesn’t necessarily equate to “easy”.  In fact, many times they’re directly opposed to each other.  Let’s...

The Minimalists & The Race To The Bottom

I no longer self-identify as a minimalist.  Why?  After all, minimalism is simple at its core – consume less, enjoy life more.  In many ways I completely agree with that statement, and I definitely have minimalist tendencies.  What I can’t agree with,...