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30 Days To Digital Minimalism

The “30 Days To Digital Minimalism” E-Course

Email. Facebook. Twitter. RSS.

If you’re online, it’s a good bet you’re flooded with information. It’s also a good bet you’ve never had anybody teach you how to intelligently manage all of that digital junk that keeps pouring into your life.

This course will change that. I’m putting together thirty individual lessons that will teach you how to…

  • Get your email inbox under control
  • Trim your Facebook friend list
  • Intelligently manage Twitter follows
  • Know where your important files & photos are, and be confident that they’re safe
  • Get the news and information you want with RSS

Best of all, however, it will help you create a mental framework for processing digital information so you’re not stuck wondering what to do when Facebook changes their page layout, Twitter is replaced by something else, or the next big “tech revolution” hits. Most principles for processing information are timeless, and they’re relatively simple to learn.

Best of all, after you’ve completed the course, you’ll also receive a PDF of the 30 daily lessons that you can refer to later.

How Much Will It Cost?

I haven’t set the pricing yet, but I’m thinking on the order of “a few cups of coffee” – not “a few days’ salary”.

So How Do I Sign Up?

This course isn’t available yet, but you can get on the announce list and be notified when it’s available.

If you’d like to help me make the course even better, you can drop me an email and let me know what areas of your digital life you need to get under control. As I’m still developing the course, I’ll do my best to work suggestions into the finished version!

Interested? Click here to be added to the announce list!