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In trying to develop a more regular blog schedule, I’m evaluating a long list of post ideas. It occurs to me that many of these topics are food-related.

When I started out, I determined that I didn’t want this to turn into an exclusively food-related blog. Yes, we all eat. Yes, food is important. But life is so much more than food!

Rather than running series posts on the food-related topics, I’m going to set aside one day of the week for my culinary musings. Each Friday (starting next week) I’ll be posting something new relating to food.

This might be about food culture, cooking techniques, kitchen equipment, or maybe even just a recipe. The only constants are that it will be about food, and it will be on a Friday!

And don’t worry…posts on other topics will still be coming on a regular schedule. Look for a new post tomorrow, and we’ll start the foodie festivities next week!