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I’m still full from Christmas dinner, and I know most of the minimalist blogosphere has gone dark for the weekend – but I made this recipe for Christmas dinner and it turned out really well. I’m therefore sharing it with you:

Easy Homemade Mac ‘N Cheese
1 lb macaroni noodles 8 oz cheese (I use sharp cheddar) 2 cups milk 1 tablespoon red pepper sauce 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons cornstarch

Noodles Bring a pan of water to a boil. Dump the macaroni in the pan, and set a timer for however long it needs to cook (according to package directions). While it’s cooking, prep the cheese and sauce.

Cheese While you’re doing the above, grate the cheese (assuming it’s not pre-grated) onto a plate or into a bowl.

Sauce Mix everything but the noodles and cheese very well, and put it into your choice of a 2 quart saucepan (on the stove) or a 4 cup measuring cup (if you’re going to use the microwave). Boil or microwave until the sauce thickens (a few minutes max in the microwave, maybe a little more on the stove).

Bringing It All Together

Ideally you’ll get the cheese and sauce done about the same time (or a little before) the noodles are done cooking. Drain the noodles, dump the cheese into the sauce container, mix the cheese and sauce well, then dump the cheese sauce over the noodles. Stir to combine.

I usually let this cool 5 minutes or 10 minutes before I serve it.  The sauce will thicken a bit as it stands.

As an end note, I know over the last couple weeks this blog has been drifting heavily in the “food and cooking” direction.  That’s a natural outgrowth of the fact that the holidays seem to revolve around family, family usually involves food, and staying frugal and minimalistic over the holiday season involves tackling the food topic head-on.

Owing to that fact, I’ll definitely be mentioning food and cooking as a semi-regular topic on this blog, but that’s not all I’m about.  This blog is about the entire journey toward minimalism and frugality – so look for more posts on a variety of topics starting again mid this week.  Until then, happy holidays!