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Every now and then, I’ll sit down to write a post and I’ll be stuck. Not stuck in the “I don’t have anything to say” sense, but more in the “everything I write raises more questions, which need clarification” sense.

It’s the digital equivalent of a giant gnarled-up ball of yarn.

This recently happened with a topic that I inherited from a blogging friend, inherited primarily because she’d had a difficult time writing about it too.

Richard Feynman once said that if he couldn’t prepare a lecture for college freshmen that meant he didn’t really understand the topic he was lecturing on.

Several hours of writing, contemplating, and rewriting later, I think I’ve discovered what Feynman meant. But you know what?

I Love Writing Difficult Posts

The more difficult the post, the more it makes me think. If I have to spend an extra hour or two writing a post, it usually means that I’m learning and growing while I’m writing.

That’s a good thing.

It means that there are ideas that need to be sorted out in my own head, before they can be written down.

That’s a good thing.

The process of stopping and clarifying your own beliefs and thoughts on a subject isn’t always easy, but it’s one of the best growth experiences there is – provided you take the time to work through it.

Ever have one of those experiences? Let me know in the comments!