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For a variety of reasons, I’ve decided to rename this blog to “Untitled Minimalism.” There’s nothing you need to change – both domains will still work, both RSS feeds will still work. It’s just the main page will say “Untitled Minimalism” instead of “Finding Frugality”.

The reason for this change is that the old name was giving some people a mistaken impression of what this site is about. It seems that most people looking for “frugal” blogs seem to be looking for money-saving tips, and this blog is much more than that.

I believe this new name better reflects the purpose of this site.

This blog is about creating your best self, and finding fulfillment through the application of minimalism, frugality, and simplicity.

The name has changed, but the journey continues!

You can subscribe to this blog via e-mail or RSS. Of course the comments are always open, and you’re always free to e-mail me with any questions, comments or concerns that you may have – I love reader feedback!