This is the second episode of “Minimalism For The Rest Of Us” – this blog’s (newly) resident podcast. Sam’s microphone got a little scratchy at a few points, but the podcast has a lot of great information for you!
A few relevant links for this podcast:
Flow: The Psychology Of Optimal Experience (by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) (Sam’s website) (Sam’s Tumblr)
I’m working on getting a podcast feed added to iTunes so you Apple people will be able to subscribe there, and getting a regular RSS feed separated out from the main blog feed so the rest of you can subscribe in whatever podcatcher software you’re currently using. Or you can just download each episode from this site – it’s up to you.
I’ve received some great feedback about the first podcast; please let me know if there’s anything I can do to make your podcast (or reading, for that matter) experience better!