For those of you following the blog, you may have noticed a few changes over the last week or two. I just wanted to post something quick to address these changes. These include:
- A spiffy picture of me over on the right-hand side, along with a little bit of information about me.
- The option to subscribe to this blog’s updates via e-mail. I had a reader bring this to my attention, and it’s available as of about a week ago.
- I’ve made the RSS subscribe option a bit more obvious, by putting it and the e-mail subscription option right next to each other.
- There’s now a single ad over on the right-hand bar of the page. It’s under the picture and subscribe options, but above the category lists. Currently it’s for an eBook from Leo Babauta called “A Simple Guide To A Minimalist Life”, which I’ve read and highly recommend to anybody. I’ll discuss my ad philosophy in a future post – for now suffice it to say that the one ad will be the only ad on this blog.
These are simple changes, things that I’ve been planning to get done since this blog launched – and I think they’re all changes for the better. Don’t worry; they’re not a prelude to a massive redesign or a Minimalist Path style buyout. Other than the few items above, nothing about this blog is changing.
If you have any questions or comments, or if you have ideas for improving this blog, I always love hearing what you have to say – drop me a line in the comments!
And now back to your regularly scheduled program.
Did you like this post? If so, you can subscribe to this blog via e-mail or RSS. Of course the comments are always open, and you’re always free to e-mail me with any questions, comments or concerns that you may have – I love reader feedback!