I’ve read a bunch of good articles over the last couple weeks, and here are 5 of the best when it comes to minimalism and simplicity:
Christine Li over at Procrastination Coach wrote a mind-blowingly short, yet excellent piece on the mindset we should have when we’re working. It’s not a “top 100 productivity tips” list; it’s just a quick article that’ll take you less than 60 seconds to read – and it completely frames the productive mindset.
Over at 365 Less Things Colleen has an article from Deb J about how a simple hobby can get out of control, and the challenges of wrangling it back into shape. If you’ve been mulling over the value of your hobbies (scrapbooking in particular, as it’s what the article is about!) you’ll definitely want to go check it out!
If you’ve been considering doing Project 333 and you’re wondering about how to keep visual variety in your wardrobe, Jill Foley over at Daily Bread has some visual inspiration – one dress, nine ways! Of course this doesn’t just apply to dresses – you could do a mens’ version with sweaters, a different colored shirt/blazer, etc.
One of the challenges I’m constantly faced with as a web developer is that my job requires me to be online. If you’re like me, you can’t just take a “digital sabbatical” for a month and disappear into the woods. Over at Fenikkusu there are some (relatively) easy ideas for small restrictions we can put on our online behavior that will give us a little more control over our digital lives, while not requiring us to unplug entirely.
And in a bit of shameless self-promotion, I recently guest posted on Always Well Within – a blog run by my blogger-friend Sandra Pawula. If you’re curious about a bit of my back-story and how I became a minimalist, it’s a good read!
As a closing question, what are your favorite minimalism/simplicity blogs? I’ve been out of “discovery mode” for awhile, and I’m curious about the “up and coming” new stuff, or those old favorites that you’ve been reading for years. Send me an email or let me know your favorites in the comments!