Every now and then life just throws you a curve ball. This post was supposed to be the continuation of the series on the types of frugality (don’t worry, it’s still coming!), but life intervened.
I live in the midwest, and we had the mother of all blizzards up here over the weekend. The more reliable estimates would seem to indicate that we got close to two feet of snow. There were snow drifts that were over four feet tall in some places. The snow finished Saturday night, and as of yesterday afternoon there were still some places that hadn’t been plowed out yet. From what I can see, we’ll still be digging ourselves out for a few more days.
We got our car shoveled out on Saturday, although we were still pretty much stuck at home due to the snow and the roads. A broken washing machine (unrelated to the storm, but it happened at the same time!) had us doing laundry at a laundromat on Sunday. We also went out and got winter boots and bought a good shovel, since the shovel at our apartment building is woefully inadequate for dealing with serious accumulations of snow.
This all reinforced in my mind the topic of my next couple “Here comes everybody” posts, and gave me some great inspiration for writing them. The continuation of that series will be coming later this week.
In the mean time, stay tuned tomorrow for some timely thoughts on Christmas dinner!