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Work With Me

Minimal, Simple, Frugal Coaching

I love to help people on their journey to minimalism and simplicity. Toward that end, I offer minimal, simple, frugal coaching and consultations in three areas.

Kitchen Coaching

Is “what’s to eat?” a dreaded question that usually blindsides you 5 minutes before dinner? Do you find yourself eating at restaurants or ordering takeout more often than you’d like?

I have almost twenty years of experience planning meals, shopping, and cooking for myself and others, including several years in foodservice – and I can get you on the fast track to cooking more of your own food at home.

We’ll figure out where you’re stuck, come up with easy-to-prepare recipes your family will enjoy, figure out how to make meal planning a natural part of your schedule, and a number of other things that will help get you on the right track.

Clutter Coaching

Drowning in a sea of clutter? I spent the better part of my life as a dyed-in-the-wool packrat before I started down the minimalist path.

If you’ve got so much junk you can barely move around your apartment, I’ve been there. If you’ve ever contemplated doing dishes in the bathtub because there’s no hope they’d all fit in the sink, I’ve been there (and have done that!). If you have rooms (or storage units!) you haven’t been in for years because there’s no way to get further than the door, I’ve been there.

And I’ve not only been there, but I got free. I can help you do the same.

Website Coaching & Design

I’ve been designing websites for over fifteen years, and programming computers for almost thirty (yes, that means I started when I was six!), and I specialize in both making peoples’ websites work better and helping people understand how to work with/on their websites.

This is a little more of a complicated area as far as explanation goes, so it has its own page. But if you already know exactly what you want, feel free to skip that and contact me with your questions. We’ll get it figured out!

Hey, Can I Help?

I don’t go into a lot of detail on this page, since there’s almost never such a thing as a “typical situation” with these things.

What I do offer is a free, no-obligation consultation for any of the services above – and by “free” I really do mean “free”. No cost. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

I’ll give you half an hour or so via phone or Skype, or a few back-and-forth messages via email to discuss your situation and see both what you need and how I can help.

At the end of that, we figure out whether it makes sense to work together.

Sound good? Fill out the contact form to get the ball rolling!