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What Are We Disagreeing About?

What Are We Disagreeing About?

Disagreements are frustrating. And the more important the decision, the more frustrating the disagreement. But what’s the disagreement actually about?  Let’s walk through an example. Let’s say you work at a carpet company. There are a large number of...
AI & the Question of “Good Enough”

AI & the Question of “Good Enough”

With the advent of affordable, widespread AI tech, we’re entering a different world. And the most common question I see coming up is “can AI replace _______?” Fill in the blank with whatever profession the person is concerned about. Here’s an...
Does This Switch Control That Bulb?

Does This Switch Control That Bulb?

I saw a photo of a sign on a beach that had a dozen-ish rules. These included some rules very specific to the beach (“no dogs”), but it also included a number of rules that were not only common sense, but weren’t just rules for the beach – they...
On Disagreement and Assumptions

On Disagreement and Assumptions

It’s tempting to think along the lines of that old saying, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” But are they? Really? It’s not uncommon for a presidential approval rating here in the United States to be below 50%. As of this writing, Biden is...
Mental Models & Adoption Percentages

Mental Models & Adoption Percentages

I work with an organization that recently rolled out a learning management system (LMS) to its people. The LMS is the core of the organization’s training program, and it’s not that difficult to use once you’ve gone through some simple training...